One of the best ways to keep you more healthy is through the health of your spine. I suggest, Chiropractors as the best way to go, even for babies. There are times, though, when a back discomfort is not addressed early enough, that over time, develop into spinal disease or deformity. I recommend a great technique that promotes healing of many kinds of spinal ailments. It is called “Raindrop Technique”,
7 Benefits of a Raindrop Session
The Raindrop Technique is one of the safest, most non-invasive regimens available for spinal health. It is also an invaluable method to promote healing from within using topically applied essential oils. An important point to remember is the oils need to be 100% therapeutic-grade essential oils.
1. This treatment helps reduce pain; due to heat, aromatherapy and light massaging techniques. All three are in this treatment.
2. A Raindrop treatment helps reduce inflammation.
3. Raindrop treatment helps improve circulation. Secondarily, improved blood circulation
leads to a balancing of the autonomic nervous system and better regulation of gastrointestinal function.
4. Raindrop technique can help prevent the bacterial and viral causes of spinal misalignment, including scoliosis.
5. A Raindrop treatment helps relieve stress. Stress can make any dis-ease (like a cold/flu) or diseases (like heart disease) much worse than they normally would be.
6. Raindrop treatments help improve immune function. A study shows women who received a treatment reported being less depressed, less angry, and having more vigor.
7. Raindrop treatments can facilitate the release of pent-up negative emotions. It is a complex biochemical process, but scientists now are recognizing the importance in achieving emotional release and return to normal emotional response.
This information is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease or illness. Please contact your health professional before starting any new health care regime.
From the Essential Oil Desk Reference: According to numerous chiropractors, the Raindrop Technique using therapeutic-grade essential oils is revolutionizing the treatment of many types of back pain , spine inflammation, and vertebral misalignments. I hope I’ve provided enough information for you to see how important the health of your spine needs to be.