2022 from a Numerology Perspective 2022 has 3 -2’s, three is a catalytic number. This means it moves other things, without changing itself. Things/energies moving...
Why not give yourself the gift of “Intentional Prayer”?
First, I’ll give some information to help you get to this gift. “We carry quantum powers inside us from the moment we are born. Powers...
The Highest & Most Powerful Form of Humanity
This post is more esoteric than I usually send, but great news for humanity. The following is an excerpt from a Kryon Channeling: There has...
Part four on Essential Oils
Part 4: Frequencies of essential oils When molecules of essential oils are inhaled, swallowed, applied to the skin, or internalized into your body in any...
Part 3 on Essential Oils
Part 3: Quantumness of Essential Oils Essential oils molecules are very small. This makes it so they can easily and quickly be absorbed through the...
Essential Oils (Parts 1 and 2)
I've been thinking a lot about essential oils and want to share information that most people most likely don't fully understand the quantumness of this...
I love chocolate! Who knew it could actually be good for you? Humans have consumed chocolate/cacao thousands of years ago, and was revered by the...
Reflexology for your Digestive Issues
If you or someone you know suffers from digestive issues, including constipation Reflexology can help bring so much relief. A good test as to...
Your feet on the bottom/plantar side of the feet, have a thick, fibrous band of tissue (fascia) from you heels to your toes. These tissues...
Healthy Living
We will share with you regularly articles, tips and ideas on ways to enjoy healthy living as well as experiencing the benefits of foot reflexology,...